Baby Will | Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

Sweet baby Will arrived a couple weeks early - I think he was ready to meet his energetic big sister Pensee whom was so sweet with him during his newborn session.  I think the sibling shots from his session are some of my favs.

Also, funny story - I often believe there is a six degrees (or less) of separation rule between my clients and myself, or even with other clients.  Once I get to know my clients they either know someone else I know or know other clients of mine. Come to find out Danny (dad) went to high school with my husband AND he worked with my mother in-law at a school in Avon. 

Anyway, Will was such a flexible little squish - curling up so perfectly in my wraps.  The day of our session was actually the first day he could be "free" because he had to be under a special light 24/7 since birth because of jaundice.  I know his mama just wanted to snuggle and hold him since that time had been minimal during his first week.  I'm so glad that was able to end for them and they could get him on a normal schedule. 

Thanks to the Gunn family for choosing me for their in-home newborn session! 

If you are looking for a maternity or newborn photographer in the Indianapolis area, please contact me at or 765-749-4388.